My blog about travelling around Australia for six months in our camper trailer.

Friday 28 August 2015

New South Wales

Coffs Harbour 

We went to the Big banana at Coffs Harbour. We stayed at Sapphire beach at the caravan park. It was walking distance from the beach.

Port Macquarie

We went to the koala hospital. Some had burns from bush fires. Some were blind and some were attacked by dogs. Some had got hit by a car.

Dubbo Zoo

We went to the zoo and we rode bikes around. My favourite animal was the Cheetah!
We had a picnic lunch there.
The best bits about the zoo was the bike riding and the cutest animal was the monkeys.


We went to the CSIRO radio telescope. It is used for picking up things in space. I got to have a go of the mini dish which was called the whispering dish, You talk int one dish and someone can hear you at the other dish which is at the other end of the park!

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